The Preservation Imperative - Record Everything

Smart entrepreneurs digitally capture...everything!

In our multiple media lives, we can never predict when we will say something memorable and useful. That means we should record everything.  Any medium that helps spread your story, should be used to grow your audience and stimulate deeper engagement.

With the plethora of devices available, in any given meeting, most of the audience has one or more ways to record the meeting.  Gone are the days when we need to document meetings with notes,  we can simply record the meeting.  If some notes are written down, take a picture.  Then share everything.

WARNING: Failure to accomplish this and you risk obscurity.

Home Is Where The SEO Is

Six years ago in Puerto Rico, we still hadn't seen any significant interest in social media.  Back then, the typical company website was an outdated Macromedia Flash, now Adobe Flash, movie.  The most prominent view of the Internet at that time was that your company web page was nothing more than a digital brochure.  There was little or no interaction and updates to the site were few and far between.  Unfortunately, many still are, even today.  Fast forward to today, and if you're not on Facebook or Twitter then you're out of the picture.

Brand Visibility Driven By Organic SEO
Leading many to believe that, social media has made websites obsolete, right?  Again, what is missing is an understanding of how the Internet works.  The only way to generate organic growth in your SEO (brand visibility) is to have a web page where you publish Googlebot ready content.

For the most part, social media is an SEO wasteland, the main reason why is due to the wealth of sensitive information that sites like Facebook and Google Plus contain.  Due to the possible risk, many constrain they privacy settings, which then makes that information "virtually" invisible to search engines.

One way I like to explain this concept is for website owners to picture their company's website at the middle of a wagon wheel.  There may be numerous spokes liking your business with different websites and services, but everything should be linked back to the hub of the wheel.  In terms of effectively telling a consistent story about your brand, then the hub is where the story canon resides.

YouTube's Affiliate Revenues Dropping Due To Lower Ad Prices

On YouTube, only thousands of channels, among the millions available earn six figures in ad revenue

Olga Kay, who already earns six figures in ad revenue, shares a growing list of worries with other creators: the precipitously dropping prices that advertisers are willing to pay, the huge increases in uploaded content that has made it harder for viewers to find their work, and the escalating costs of producing higher-quality content.

Robert Kyncl, Google’s head of content and business operations, acknowledged the fundamental tension built into the YouTube business model. Yes, he acknowledged, revenue per views is depressed and will probably drop even further in the near future as high-growth markets like Brazil and Russia continue to expand.

"How - Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything" = Transmedia

I'm reading Dov Seidman's "How" and I'm really finding his synthesis of his theories of a "New Era of Behavior." here's an example where his theories align perfectly with mine:
"Information becomes powerful when you get everybody on the same page with you, and it the most powerful thing if you spread a consistent message to more and more people."
 While this quote refers to the power of transparency, it is exactly what I have been saying about the max-strategy and social media.  This is the  new challenge for any creative entrepreneur, telling a consistent story across multiple mediums, classic textbook definition of transmedia. Word!

It's SEO Stupid - Max Strategy

Few people understand the seemingly scatter-shot approach I use for web production.  It shouldn't be a mystery, it is very simple. It is ALL about search engine optimization.  From the domain name to the content, each of my web sites is SEO driven.

However, they also accomplish one other thing.  Each of the sites is a tribe.  A tribe built around keywords.  As I continue to add more and more sites, I unite more and more tribes.  They are my tribes (translated into Spanish, Mis Tribus).  This is what I'm talking about:

Facebook Engagement for Advertising is a Lie

I recently received an infographic from SocialBaker that blew me away.  In their report "January 2013 Social Media Report: Facebook Pages in the United States" they include the following table:

In the section entitled the "Top 5 Facebook Brands by Post Engagement Rate" it clearly states that the "Average Post Engagement Rate" is ONLY 0.166 %

Of the top 5 Facebook brands, the highest, the highest, is still only 5.8873 %.  There it is ladies and gentleman, as plain as the nose on the end of your face.  Even if you are the best at brand engagement in Facebook, you will only get a 5% engagement rate for any piece of content (advertisement) you share.

Artificial Intelligence and You

Is the holy grail of computer and cognitive science.

Reality? Whose? None, only one.
There are four types of people when it comes to AI.  The majority of people have never heard of the term (think of rural and third world areas where poverty reigns and there is a vast digital divide).  They've never seen books, let alone a computer;  they seldom have running water and electricity;  this is a world that is hidden from most western civilized societies.

Civilized society, on the other hand, may have heard of the concept, perhaps even seen it in a science fiction movie, television series or read about it in a novel, but they think of AI only as an idea, not a reality.

Then there is the computing community.  Within this community are people who know that AI is a reality and can identify its' on-going influence in our society.

Only a few people know how difficult AI really is.  We have barely scratched the surface in knowing and understanding reality and how we accomplish things in that reality.  You can't automate what you don't understand.

Others believe that we can create an AI that will surpass our intelligence, the singularity.  When artificial intelligence exceeds our own.  Where will that lead?

I'm reading a book by Frank Tipler, "The Physics of Immortality," who argues that our only hope to survive forever, is to record as much data about our reality and scattering it throughout the universe. Self-replicating itself from the raw materials available on each planet, moon or asteroid the vonNeuman probes.