If We Could Only - To Start

If We Could Only
I've got about 10 days to get my first transmedia project started. Why the sudden rush? I'm going to have a pretty large span of the summer where I'll have limited Internet access. So I wanted to share what I've done so far. I think it will be interesting enough as it stands. And I'll take @SlackMistress's example and just ad-lib the rest of the experience; getting the rest out as I can.

As with any skill you hope to master, the only real way to learn about transmedia is to do it. The more you do it, typically, the better you get at it. It also increases your understanding of transmedia. For me, it's obvious that is one of the problems we have with nailing down a transmedia standard is because we have two different views. One from the academic perspective, which is usually theory; and second, the practioner's perspective, which is usually based on direct experience.

I'll share soon what I'll be doing about standardizing transmedia. While I think an IRC channel is useful, and recommended, the fundamental issue that needs resolution is the definition of transmedia and transmedia process. IRC is just a tool to converse. We must focus the conversation on establishing transmedia standards.

Anyway, as I was saying, oh yeah, I'll be throwing a bunch of stuff onto the Internet, and we'll see what sticks. And what falls and is ignored. The horror! We'll see how things work over the summer and then tweak things when I get back to mission control. I mean, who knows what could happen, you never know when you leave cronies in charge.

In the meantime, I invite you to explore with me the world of Pandemic 1.0. Mad Props to @LanceWeiler and @ChuckWendig for the bountiful cracks in which I could create "If We Could Only." In the end, this experiment is my proof to you guys, that I get it! Get it?

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