The Cognitive Surplus Tsunami

English: A flier from the Year Zero alternate ...
Image via Wikipedia
- Huge gap between what people are willing to do and what they are "allowed" to.

With the rate of people joining the Internet growing exponentially, we are way beyond being able to anticipate just what someone is willing to do. Whether it is a transmedia story, an open source project, an alternate reality game, or any other crowd sourced activity. Heck let's add revolution and regime change into the mix, while we're being honest.


Culture convergence forces us to look at all of these people-powered initiatives as being essentially the same challenge. Each becomes a simple problem: How can we tell a consistent story across multiple mediums, that inspires people to care.

The Rub

Unfortunately for content producers the most common currency on the web is attention. For me, I have to tell you, I can't deposit attention into my company's account and spend it to buy the services I need to grow my company. But I digress...

Honestly that would be a nice problem to have, first we have to generate the attention first. For it seems backwards, to think about getting more attention than revenue, when you don't really even have the attention. Heady times indeed!

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