Inside Google eBooks Webinar Chat Log

Here's what I could grab of the O'Reilly TOC Webinar, Inside Google eBooks webinar, I thank O'Reilly for the opportunity to participate. I haven't had a chance to review it, I'll wait to go through it when the video is posted on O'Reilly's YouTube Channel.

Here's what I got:
Rick Werezak: Q: I don't see a Google eBook reader in the AppStore for iPad nor in the Google app. I have Kindle, Kobo, iBook, but can't find Google Books.
Herne Herne: @Jason I can't lend dead-tree books? If I bought it, I own it. Does that mean I can't loan my car to someone?
Jason Wallwork: unless it's computer or career related, i don't really need to own the book, reading it once is enough
Dean Blobaum 2: Google app is on iPad
Jason Wallwork: tell that to software companies, herne
Maria Droujkova: In what country is it illegal to lend paper books? When has it last been enforced?
Herne Herne: @Jason Software is a different thing all together
Jason Wallwork: it's like music, you essentially own a license for yourself
Jason Wallwork: you don't have the right, though nobody enforeces it, to resell or lend the book to others
Herne Herne: @Jason I buy CDs... I own them, I can lend them to someone else.
Nancy Johnson: yes we do!
Ronald Patrick Santos: Where is sir paul?
Jason Wallwork: you can't legally, herne
Herne Herne: Does that mean if I buy a CD and play it, that nobody else can listen to it?
Dean Blobaum 2: So, all used bookdealers are violating alw?
Alphonse MacDonald: do you hav e/capita data?
Maria Droujkova: Seemed in-sync for me
Jason Wallwork: yeah, legally they are, but like I said the publishers don't really enforce it
Matt Blair: Q: What about buying e-versions of orphan works? E.g. Millay translation of Baudelaire out of print, costs $600 used...
Jason Wallwork: that's also why some publishers hate libraries
Tom Nastas: How does one create an e-book?
Dean Blobaum 2: Look up the term first sale doctrine.
Herne Herne: ''Some publishers'' need to stop dreaming
O'Reilly Media: You can follow google ebooks on twitter at @googlebooks
Kat Meyer: ?many in the romance ebook world r wondering if you were really seriously surprised to see romance as leading category. or were you being facetious?
Jason Wallwork: Q: Can you lend Google ebooks?
Maria Droujkova: Thank you, Dean
Herne Herne: Hi Kat!
Marsee Henon:
Mona Proctor: can public libraries lend Google ebooks?
Susanna Leers: Did they skip a bunch of slides? Why is the ending slide showing?
Marlon Ramal: what is the process of buying books in e books in free?
Chris Palma: No lending right now, but we are talking with our publishers about allowing this
Tom Nastas: How do we take our content, create an eabook with design, layout, etc?
Jason Wallwork: Thanks Chris
haley: Q. Would anyone elsehave access to your ebooks? Would your reading interests be made available to other companies?
Herne Herne: @Tom PDF is your only option for Layout and Design
Eric Collins: Q: How long do you expect books in clouds to persist? Dead trees are inherrently stable.. What happens to our purchased content when eBooks in the cloud become obsolete or the provider no longer provides access/support?
O'Reilly Media: If your question is for Abe and Chris, please preface it with a Q.
Maria Droujkova: @Chris Palma - !Q: How does a small publisher start with you?
Alphonse MacDonald: Q: How many sales partners?
Connie Crandall: Q. How do we create e-books? Is there a program or some training available?
Stephen Carter: Q: Is there an affiliate program as with Amazon, where I get paid for driving traffic/sales to Google books?
Patrick Hogan: Q: Could you speak to the level of activity, sales, coming from independent booksellers?
Herne Herne: @Connie InDesign CS5 will do the bulk of the work...
Marlon Ramal: @chris what is the process of buying books in e books in free?
Tom Nastas: Sure I understand that PDF is the format, but how do we take our documnt in Word, decide how to lay it out for visual appeal, add picutres, etc
Connie Crandall: Thanks Herne.
Dean Blobaum 2: Q. Enhanced e-books supported?
Herne Herne: @Tom Word is not especially a ''layout'' program... InDesign would be a better option
Rick Werezak: Q: I can't find it. What would I search for in AppStore? Is it just not available in the Canadian Store?
Chris Palma: Hey Alphonse-- 4k plus Google ebooks partners
Dean Blobaum 2: Maybe not in Canada; I'm in US
Herne Herne: @Tom Word is a very simplistic text program. Word is a pig for trying to create engaging layouts...
Tom Nastas: Are there rules of tumb, # of words/page for e-books, creating a design and layout? I've written for Harvard BBiz Review, but e-books are different
Dean Blobaum 2: Q Sales volume direct vs. through partners?
Herne Herne: @Tom eBooks don't really have pages...
Tom Nastas: No pages? Sure they do. Seth Godin'shave pages
Alphonse MacDonald: Q -@ Chris How do we get in sales partner program?
Herne Herne: @Tom if I increase or decrease my font size, the number of pages change... they're not static
Jason Wallwork: of course they have pages
Martin Taylor: Where is the info on how to integrate Google Ebooks on your website
Martin Taylor: Q: Where is the info on how to integrate Google Ebooks on your website
Connie Crandall: Q. I don't have an e-reader yet. Any recommendations?
Dean Blobaum 2: Q. When will Google sales data to publishing partners improve?
Herne Herne: @Connie I would go for a Sony...
Patrick Hogan: Do publishers supply metadata? What are metadata sources used? Or does Google create through algoritms?
Herne Herne: Q: Do you have a solution for complex math?
Eileen: You have the program via ABA. Are you working with any organization for online-only indies?
Randy Kennedy: Q - If we embed XMP/metadata in our eBook/PDFs, ie. reviews, supplemental texts in a custome field or a regular XMP panel will Goopgle reveal this in the search data?
James Davies: Q Can readers outtside the US purchase Google ebooks?
Kristopher Mejia: nice thanks for the answer :)
Melvin Chester Lui: @Mejia: Hey
Peter Fitchett: Restarted browser, but sound not much better
Kat Meyer: i thought it was funny.;)
Jason Wallwork: thanks for the answer :)
Rick Werezak: Q: Google Books iPad app is not available in the Canadian Store. What's the plan for rolling it out to places outside the USA?
Herne Herne: Q: What sort of policy does Google have on censoring or revoking content that has already been purchased? (a la Amazon)
Alexander Noveno: bounce,csb?
Colleen Greene: Q: I didn't hear the response to inquiry about e-textbooks. Anyone?
Dean Blobaum 2: Publishers already work with library suppliers of both physical and e books.
Jason Wallwork: he said they already have many texts available in their preview view and are working with publishers to add more
haley: textbooks are in the works
Michalis Kalamaras: Q: will it be possible to upload our ebooks or PDFs to Google ebooks? In order to have one integrated livrary in the cloud
Colleen Greene: Thank you.
Herne Herne: He's also still catching up
Jason Wallwork: interesting question, Herne
Dean Blobaum 2: But do students actually want to pay for e-textbooks?
Herne Herne: @Dean Not really... students want to be able to re-sell their textbooks
Alphonse MacDonald: @Dean, no resale value = no beer money at the end of the semester
Jason Wallwork: do students have any choice?
Dean Blobaum 2: @alphonse exactly!
Jason Wallwork: oooh I get what you're saying now
Jason Wallwork: good point
Alphonse MacDonald: Q Whats the difference between resellers and affiliates
Royce Florentino: Great :)
Dean Blobaum 2: E-textbook price would have to be less than 25% of physical list.
Stephen Carter: Q: I can't find the information about affiliate program on the partner site...
Colleen Greene: Q: Can/will custom embeddable Google Search widgets be able to filter on just eBooks?
Herne Herne: @Dean I work in textbook design... publishers aren't going to sell them for <25%. They need to start thinking print books WITH eBooks
Herne Herne: ''page image'' is a bit of a workaround... ePub3 is supposed to incluce MathML
Dean Blobaum 2: Q. In general terms, what's the Google algorithm for arriving at the consumer price of the e-book?
Jason Wallwork: Q: Will Google be introducing their own ebook reader (hardware, not software)
Herne Herne: (include, rather)
Alexander Noveno: ahhh i see...
Adrian Brion: agree.. agree...

2 Response to "Inside Google eBooks Webinar Chat Log"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Is it really necessary to post O'Reilly's chat logs in your blog? This conversation was had in a webinar at a certain point in time in a certain context. Now all of these comments are associated with names in the Google search engine permanently.

  2. KDub Says:

    @q444 - I'm sorry you feel that way. I felt that it was another level of conversation that might be valuable. Good example of transparency versus privacy. #freeculture

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