Twitter Betrays Metcalfe's Law

While you say that you are not against spammers, you've most definitely got something against Metcalfe's Law for networks. You deny us the right to pursue the accelerating demands we gain by each new connection. Only a few accounts are selected within a secretive system where you establish who gets the maximum benefit and who needs to match a preferred profile (celebrity).

At this point, most of my new adds are followbacks, which I suggest is required of any conversation based community. You can't have a conversation if only one person gets to talk. Followbacks should be excluded from your little formula.formula.

I look forward to clearing up this misunderstanding.

While you say that you are not against spammers, you've most definitely got something against Metcalfe's Law for networks. You deny us the right to pursue the accelerating demands we gain by each new connection. Only a few accounts are selected within a secretive system where only celebrities get the maximum benefit. We shouldn';t have to match a preferred profile to get access.

At this point, most of my new adds are followbacks, which I suggest is required of any conversation based community. You can't have a conversation if only one person gets to talk. Followbacks should be excluded from your formula.
Would you please remove the following limit from this account. The follower growth model I use relies on pursuing high Klout users and #followbacks. It would really help me If could continue with my strategy. Thanks.

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