Transmedia - One Step At A Time

When Henry Jenkins introduced the concept of convergence culture, Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter had yet to come into their prominence as dominant social forces in our society. So I don't think he could have anticipated how much more social networks would have made transmedia story telling possible.

As all of our media have begin to converge across multiple layers, so too will our social networks. As we each grow and evolve our social graph, they will tend to be confused in a fog of features and relationships. A big could of mushy connections that will blend together. Now, more than ever, you success as a content producer is directly connected to the size of your social network and the relationships you maintain.

A journey of a thousand steps...
2 Types of Relationships

1. Master-Subordinate - In this relationship the Master role leads the interaction, dominates the intercourse, leaving very little time and attention for what the subordinate wants or needs. The master believes that his subordinates should listen to him. By listening, they subordinate themselves to him, bestowing the Master's false sense of power. Examples of these relationships Employer-employee; Coach-player; Dad-son. In other words, the conversation typically only flows in one direction.

2. Equanimity - In an equal relationship, both parts of the relationship are receiving exactly what they want. For companies, this means listening to and responding to what the other part declares he/she wants. Each much sacrifice their time to please the other. And while one part of the relationship may dominate for a while, equilibrium is usually restored with an equal but opposite shift to the other party.

I think there is major confusion amongst high profile users in Twitter about the type of relationship they should be in. As with many other metrics, we're seen as more relevant by the number of followers an account has. However, in order to have the conversation we've all heard promised as the essential ingredient in social media marketing. it is impossible if your account is only a master. The major percentage of accounts I encounter in twitter are master-subordinate. What a major lost opportunity.

Looking Back

It's true all long journeys begin with a single step. What's also true is that once you've started the journey, after many days of taken 1 or 2 steps, if you look back you'll be pleasantly surprised just how many steps you've taken. Through a steady campaign of taking a few steps each day, you'll go far.

Just a few months I started building my Twitter max strategy. Now I have it tweaked into a porsche-like process capable of nimbly responding in near real-time to keyword driven attention. Using a collection of twitter tools, I've built a Twitter max strategy solution.

Here's a few of my recent Twitter achievements:

1. I'm number 1 on for Gurabo, PR. Hey, it may be a small town, but it's MY home town! What about yours?
2. Another account Mis Tribus manages, @iKantoo is #11 for San Juan, PR; a much bigger pond including major media companies and celebrities.
3. I'm a Specialist on Klout with a Klout score of 57.
4. Here's my latest numbers:
  • @shockeyk: 821/1491
  • @ iKantoo: 710/1283
  • @misTribus: 360/1048
  • @Anima5fans: 144/356.
Last year after a very long time focused on generating followers merely based on content, I could never get the @iKantoo account to generate more than 300 followers. Now, I'll soon have 4 accounts with greater than 300. Maybe more! I'm also managing another 22 accounts, each tuned into a clear set of keywords.

Flickr Creative Commons Photo from williamcho

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