Quick thoughts on a New Book by Sparrow Hall

Sparrow asked me for my thoughts on his new transmedia book, Two Blue Wolves & Nightwork Special Combined Edition. Here's what initially pooped into my head.

Overall, I think the book is a very interesting concept, 1 book two covers. Really cool idea to package together products. Deemed an enhanced book with a digital download. If purchased, the buyer receives, not only a copy of the double book, but access to additional (downloadable) content, including artwork and music. This additional material is supposed to extend and enhance the books, thus making this a transmedia project.

Before saying anything else, I just want to commend Sparrow for shipping. It's perhaps the hardest when you're shipping for money. Gaining a reach, well, that's a tough nut to crack too. But if you're not shipping and monetizing, you're volunteering.

I guess two things Sparrow. If you have the artwork and music, I would highly consider a book trailer. It's worth the effort. Use Animoto if nothing else. Here's a lame one I did for an e-book of mine called "A Bus Trip to Further". Second, please take a minute to think about a few questions:

1. What does your funnel look like, i.e., how are you funneling everyone to your call to action "Buy the book?"
2. What is your conversion rate of visitors to your landing page(What % buy the book)?
3. How are you engaging with fans or potential fans to get them to buy the book.
4. From what I've seen, one of the tricks to transmedia is to lure fans in with free content, and then ask for the sale. You're doing a buy + bonus. It's not a rule, per se. You've just got to play around with the offer and follow what leads to higher conversions.

I hope this helps...Good luck with the new book!

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