How Mainstream Media Uses Twitter

Aren't markets conversations?

In a new study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and The George Washington University. The study addresses questions about how news outlets use the social media tool to share, gather and curate information.


One of the most counter-intuitive findings was that news organizations were much similar in the focus of their Twitter activity. The vast majority of the postings promoted the organizations' own work and sent users back to their websites. On the main news feeds studied, fully 93% of the postings over the course of the week offered a link to a news story on the organization's own website.

Is this trend caused by the addition of a News or Media base? I believe that those "labels" (keywords) causes people to act in the opposite of what they do with companies that aren't News or Media. Aren't markets conversations? How can there be a conversation if one party of the conversation talks 93% of the time?

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