Max-Strategy is Relational Transmedia

Transmedia requires a maximum strategy.

I've spent so long in the bowels of relationship analysis within social networks that I almost forgot how transmedia fit-in to my theories. Tonight, I remembered how using max-n channels, you exponentially increase your chances of finding new fans.Which brings me full-circle, transmedia is the distribution of a story using multiple mediums.

Wow, it's been a long year. What started out with a curious fascination in transmedia lead me to culture convergence. Transmedia uses a fundamental relational structure. So it is easy to understand the multi-dimensionality required by pursuing social engagement.

Transmeida is the structured division of a coherent story using multiple mediums. The ability to manage this level of complexity is only possible through automation. Especially when many of those mediums has many strong channels with an engaged user base.

If you're going to produce one element of a transmedia arc using online video, which site do you use? Of do you use as money as is feasibly possible? What if you could synchronize the distribution to 10 video sites with only one upload?

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