Every Company Is In The Software Business

Hallelujah. Can a brother get an "Amen?"

Here's an interview of Eric Ries, author of "The Lean Startup" from this year's O'Reilly Tools of Change For Publishing Conference:

Seems like I've been telling everyone Eric's last point for ever, well at least for the last 18 months. Every publishing company is now in the software business. Every content company, (TV, Music, Movie, Web, etc.) is now in the software business.

I'll go even farther. Any company who wants to know what people think about: them, their products, their ads, their employees,etc. (isn't that every company?) is in the software business. It's all out there.

Remember? Markets are conversations, and they're taking place on the Internet. Therefore, you must mine the Internet for those conversations, determine what the market is saying, and then join the conversation. Every company is a bigdata company. You've got to suck-in as much of the Internet as possible, and spit out information to support decision making.

I'm sorry you see it differently, but the longer you delay making peace with this shift, the lesser your chances are for survival.

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