Biggest misunderstanding about Internet advertising

Everyone I've ever suggested clicking on Ads as a way to compensate the owner of a website has responded with the same question, "Isn't that cheating?"

All I have to say in response is, when you pay for a newspaper, does it mean that your cheating everyone who runs an ad in the paper for which you have no need or interest?

What's the second biggest understanding about Internet advertising, just in case, your favorite didn't top the list?

Why do people think that running advertising on any website means that you're somehow sacrificing something in the process?

On the Internet, you're always enveloped by an environment which is nearly free. In so many ways the Internet is a vast waste land where information is free. Without an explicit attempt to create services or products, then advertising is the only proven business model that can sustain such abundance.

So along comes White Space Links, announced today by Seth Godin, with the creation of invisible links. It's not quite clear to me if this is real, it could be a April's Fool Prank. If it is then it's funny; it is so funny, that it just might work. "Invisible links," too funny. I'd use it if the revenue wasn't invisible too. LOL

Photo Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons:  mrhayata

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