Baby steps to become a Transmedia Producer

I've got a lot going on right now. I'm working on collecting research for the book, while also planning my next start-up. It's fun work. I love inventing the future. However, while I'm busy imagining how I'll be putting my theories into action, the Internet waits for no one. I guess that's one of the underlying themes of Guagua Pública. You've always got be to be producing, especially when it comes to populating the Internet with your message.

So while I'm busy, I've got to remain diligent and finish phase 0.1 of my transmedia producer "max marketing strategy" for Guagua Pública. I've made some progress, but it's in these details that the game is won or lost. For at some point, execution stops being fun and becomes work. So while it be dull, the task might seem unimportant, but it's all a foundation for the next step.

Phase 0.1 - Transmedia Producer "Max Strategy"
  1. Setup website - Well duh, if you're reading this, I've gotten that far, right? I'll explore the obsessions I have with domain names and branding later, but my advice is to not over think it. Get it done, and move on. So check.
  2. Setup Google Forums - Part of any Internet marketing strategy must consist of using all of the free sites that permit you to brand your user generated content and point it back to your website. 
  3. Populate Google Forums - Prime the pump! Get some content entered into the group. Make anyone who stumbles by feel welcome. 
  4. Setup Facebook Page - Really, this is almost mandatory, these days. 
  5. Setup Squidoo Lens - Unfortunately, Squidoo never quite caught on, but it's a great place to build up your Google rank.
  6. Setup Twitter - Again, this is obligatory.
  7. Setup a LinkedIn Profile - Second to Facebook, this is by far the most successful social network. 
  8. Setup a MySpace Page - I'll still include MySpace for consistency, but they are quickly becoming obsolete 
  9. Integrate Social Graph - Integrate these assets to effectively cross populate and synchronize. Consider setting up Friedfeed to all of these resources together for the convenience of your fans.
 While I can get kind of anal about the graphic design of these pages, since I know that this represents version 0.1 of the website I'm not going to waste my time. So please forgive me and accept it as is, rest assured, as soon as I get some funds, I'm going to get a professionally designed, and then implement it across my social graph.

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