What it's all about

As I mentioned, I'm working my way through The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation (Theory in Practice) by Jono Bacon, and so far it's great. I'm getting a real sense for the way to start building a transmedia producer community.

I decided to check in on Jono's latest writing my reading some of his blog jonobacon@home. I was disappointed! I found a great post about Manuèla Popping, who recently joined the Ubuntu community. She felt so moved by the experience she wrote a small little poem. I hope Jono doesn't mind, but I'd llike to share it with you:
I came in a community named Ubuntu.
Unsure if I was good enough to help with anything
Not really knowing where I ended up.
There came a blanket of warmth and cordiality to me.
Caring, social and tolerancity.
I did not know what came over me
It was like i was coming home after a long journey
And warmly was received by family.
One day, I know I'll receive something like this. It might be a blog post, a poem, or a peice of art, but someone will share a heart-felt expression of unity. Remember there is no community without unity.

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