Does Transmedia = Freedom of Choice?

I just finished watching "Session 1: Producing Transmedia Experiences: Stories in a Cross-Platform World." A point brought out near the end of the discussion is my new motto. No more gatekeepers! No more tollgates! I'll not let anyone else have the privilege to decide what I publish, produce, or make. That decision is now mine; mine and the muse which drives me. You know, I think this might be the last door I was afraid to open. The last obstacle keeping me from pushing forward.

From MIT TechTV:

My ideas are too precious, too rare to give anyone the permission to hold me back. If I lose anyone, then they'll have to catch up. It's like my good buddy Paco always used to say, "Who was there to show me how convergent culture, free culture, and social media combine to demand something called transmedia story telling. I'll do the best I can to share what I understand, but if you can't jump on the bus, then you'll have to find someone to help you on.

I hope that I can do that for everyone, but I know that some brains will not be wired to understand what I see. For those unique souls, they'll have to work extra hard practicing what is preached, or find a guide. There's some really talented people that I've learned from, perhaps they might be able to help.

Hey speaking of "Freedom of Choice," check out this classic video from Devo:

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